The concept of an annual event which requires a ritualistic gathering to a single location, bears resemblance to a variety of pilgrimages around the world. Though the methods and goals vary greatly, the notion that a journey is undertaken in spirit of the values that underpin the fabric of society itself, are not only common to all, but central to a successful event.
The pilgrimage to TED begins with arrival at Leeds. Despite the ‘jet-setting’ nature of the TED ‘celebrities,’ I wish to emphasize the more sustainable natured railway as the primary choice of attendees. To make this a more attractive proposition, a series of interventions shall be created along the desired route. These interventions shall all carry a similar architectural language, so while not displaying a TED logo, will be clearly a series of markers of the pilgrimage. A project currently under construction is the Neville St. Bridge refurbishment, with the intent of introducing a more magical element into movement.

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