The TED conference is held in Long Beach, California annually, and is a pilgrimage of 1500 of the 'greatest' minds from every field of study (but predominantly technology, entertainment and design, hence T.E.D.) to discuss the ideas of a select 50, 18 minute long performances over a two week period. The great power of this event is the ability to draw experts and occasionally young, idea rich speakers. The attitude of treating ideas with incredible value is one that needs to be spread, as the TED slogan states: 'ideas worth spreading,' bringing this motif to a wider audience, not only geographically but towards the next generation. The TED website fears criticism of elitism, of holding its seats for the rich at $6000 a ticket, a ticket which is invite only. To break this necessary hold to secure vital funds (TED is owned by the Rowntree Foundation, a registered charity) subsidised tickets are offered to those deemed unable to pay.
To increase the spread of ideas to the public, the website is primarily a video lecture service, offering full viewings of the performances for free. This has created an online community capable of dissecting and criticising the biggest, and implementing the simplest.
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