Development 6

Development 5

Library integrated into larger design intent by opening up it from an enclosed space to interact with the surrounding forms and appear more inclusive towards the public that are engaged with other functions of the building, such as the exhibition.

An angular form is opted for instead of the curves utilised till now. Several issues arose with correctly effectively draining water from the main apex of the design, and the internal forms were already developing a language away from a sterile series of curves into a fragmented engaging series of levels.

Also in the language evolution, massing diagrams are no longer suitable to illustrate what is an interlocking series of folded planes enveloping an existing brick wall.

Development 4

In keeping the lecture theatre above ground floor, leaves the question as to what to place under it. Given its location, the raised theatre can offer a passageway underneath towards the courtyard from inside the building. This would hold the bar in proximity to all other elements of the building, and provide the interpretation that socialising supports creativity and ideas.

South elevation returned to an earlier form. The sunlight responsive angle has too seductive an image to lose, and its functionality suited the buildings desire to capture attention and people from Holbeck.

The two objects that appear to share the exhibition space simplify the route choice from the previous design. The ramp itself should be integrated into the lecture theatre form as a single point of entry, at least the most prominent one for the purposes of the experience.

Development 3

Exhibition space placed at the north to avoid direct sunlight. Instead of a ceiling to this space as previously intended, could a glass atrium become a feature for whatever the space displays? It is currently a feature of many large complexes to contain a central glazed atrium as a measure of stature to the building itself, approximately 100meters along Bridgewater place has a large corporate atrium, Ted can equal it.

Ramp position suggested as being between the lecture theatre and the library as a unique element of its own right. To convey this, the ramp would perhaps be of a recognisably different material for its relation of use being only for the main event.

The integration of the library into the form has not gone well. Treating the three elements (lecture theatre, ramp and library) as individual objects to be stuck together has broken the initial seductive form. A way to unite these parts as a whole needs to be found.

Model Development 2

Develpoment 2

Considering specifically the validity of functions in their response to sunlight, the only real necessity is the ‘Courtyard’. This is not technically such now though, as to achieve a greater solar gain and in a symbolic gesture, I have considered moving beyond infilling the south elevation windows with glass block, instead the southern wall could be removed to open the complex towards Holbeck Urban Village and its occupants. Ideally now we have an attractive external space, available to all the creative professionals to form one melting pot and cross fertilisation of ideas.

Moving the lecture theatre to the northern half of the site, while appearing rational, breaks up the enclosed space in to small fragments. Ideally the remaining space was to form the exhibition area since such a space cannot be quantified in the brief. A large space free from interference is needed, the other functions must be interlinked rather than scattered around the site.

The internal space is divided more openly, within folding forms to define the spaces as opposed to a single block dominating them.

Holbeck business link

Igloo Regeneration has transformed Holbeck, from a former semi derelict red light district in Leeds to a creative neighbourhood. The concept of their work is to invest in a better quality of environment to get a high quality of tenants. The particular tenants aimed for are in the creative industry, independent design led businesses, who, when grouped together allow a collective evolution for mutual benefit. But as of yet no collective space exists for these artists to merge, a symbiotic relationship can be formed within the appropriate architectural form, and that is what my design must become.

‘Creative industries are becoming an engine of economic growth.’ Chris Brown (Chief executive of Igloo Regeneration)

Idea developmet 1

The design decision of retaining the existing brick perimeter, was made through the nature of all other construction in Holbeck, the architectural regeneration has been made through converting the old warehouses and industrial units. But rather than consider the shell as a void to be filled like tetris, the new design should interact with this single element, and use the innate flexibility of all of its spaces to create interventions within the enclosure.

Initially considering the lecture theatre as the hub of the brief, I have sought to contain it within a single form. This monolithic attempt has the advantage of enclosing the theatre in a second layer for sound insulation, and can be manipulated to define further areas in the remaining space.

The existing windows in the southern wall can be filled with glass block, increasing light levels into the area, while keeping the robust appearance of the industrial brick, this is seen to good effect on the Baltic Art Gallery in Gateshead.

But is this really it? To reduce the intent of the building to house conferences and to exist as a place of free thought in the city, into a single form inside a box perimeter? How could one space serve effectively as a library/ exhibition space and a bar? Surely each function needs a unique context, natural light, reduced or increased background noise. Should the perimeter itself be subject to more alteration to achieve this?

Proposed Site


Considering that the TED conference lasts only two weeks out of the year, a degree of flexibility is required beyond TED. To embrace this, the lecture hall can be reused for similar sized events, quite easily, but the surrounding functions must embody regular use. To this end the bar/ library/ exhibition combination embodies three related, but distinct aspects of a ‘creative’ culture, to create a destination of ‘free space’ for the city beyond TED.